Information for grantees

Here you will find important information that may be of interest after your application has been approved.

DownloadDocuments for grantees

Annex to the statement of account
Annex 1 to the statement of account:
Basic statement of account without submission of receipts (XLSX, 0.01 MB, not fully accessible)

Guidelines for crediting the funding
All information on how you should mention funding from zukunft.niedersachsen in scientific articles, homepage, posters etc.

Logo files for download
Here you can download the zukunft.niedersachsen logo in various formats (ZIP folder) to illustrate the funding provided by the programme.


In general

  • Depending on the funding programme, eligible to apply are:
    state-run universities in Lower Saxony (§ 2 NHG),
  • regional research institutions financed from state funds,
  • non-university research institutions in Lower Saxony,
  • (PhD) scientists and relevant organisational units from the above-mentioned institutions,
  • academic libraries and library networks in the state of Lower Saxony.

Eligible expenditure is specified in the respective call for proposals.

In accordance with the General Auxiliary Provisions for Grants for Project Funding (ANBest-P, in German), eligible expenditure is limited to the average rates for the budgeting of personnel expenses in the budget of the state of Lower Saxony. A current tabular overview can be found here.

There are instructions for each funding programme. You will usually be directed to an upload area via the Volkswagen Foundation’s application portal.

The form may be signed by the person responsible for the project or the person representing the grant recipient in external legal transactions.

The contact persons are named in the respective call for proposals or in the notice of approval.

Selection procedure

In order to ensure a high scientific quality, applications are generally evaluated by the Volkswagen Foundation, the Scientific Commission of Lower Saxony or (Lower Saxony Innovation Centre) by an (inter)national panel of experts on the basis of the criteria specified for the respective programme (e.g., qualifications of the applicants, quality of the cooperation, comprehensibility of the work plan and project structure, feasibility of the project, and the time and work schedule).

The Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture decides on funding and the amount of funding on the basis of recommendations submitted by the panel of experts.

Following approval / in the implementation phase

The project funds are approved in writing with binding effect via an assignment decree (to state-owned companies) or grant notification (to foundations and third parties).

The funds will be made available as a transfer to the business account upon written/electronic request by the grant recipient to call up funds via the banking system’s routing channels.

Yes, it is possible to submit an informal application to the contact persons at any time with a brief, factual justification. It is recommended to do this in good time, but not before the last year of the project term, as the delays can then be best estimated in the overall assessment.

As a rule, it is possible to extend the duration of a project, but a factual justification is required.
The following applies to the expenditure plan: The individual expenditure estimates may be exceeded by up to 20%, provided that the overrun is offset by corresponding savings in other expenditure estimates.

The changes, including changes to the term, must be presented in a cost-neutral manner in the project management.

It is important that the special notification obligations in section 5 of ANBest-P (only in German) are observed.

Publications of any kind must include a reference to funding from the zukunft.niedersachsen programme. The same applies to events, the media presentation of research results in workshops, press conferences or the like. A specific project number should not be given.

All versions of the zukunft.niedersachsen logo for print and web can be here downloaded (zip), and you will also find some here tips on design (download PDF).

You will find all important information and documents on the website of 

Proof of utilisation and utilisation review

You fulfil the obligation to provide evidence by submitting the proof of use or, in the case of state-owned companies, the “Statement of funds” form. The audit is carried out in accordance with No. 7 of ANBest-P (only in German).

The proof of utilisation consists of a factual report and a numerical proof; in the case of state enterprises, only the “Statement of Funds” form must be submitted (attachment to the allocation).

By PDF form – this can be downloaded from this link (file name: Verwendungsnachweis/Zwischennachweis für Zuwendungen zur Projektförderung):

A simplified attachment for the numerical proof in Excel format is available under Tenders – Programmes – Funding | Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (

Proof of use of the grant must be submitted to the granting authority within six months of fulfilment of the purpose of the grant, but no later than the end of the sixth month following the grant period (proof of use). If the purpose of the grant has not been fulfilled by the end of the financial year, interim proof of the amounts received in that year must be provided within four months of the end of the financial year (in accordance with No. 6.1 of the ANBest-P, only in German).

Please send the proof of use electronically by e-mail to the contact person named in the notice of approval.

No. You must keep the receipts and contracts as well as all other documents relating to the funding for five years after submission of the proof of use, unless a longer retention period is stipulated by tax law or other regulations (No. 6.9 of ANBest-P, only in German).

Remaining funds must be transferred back; a cash reference for repayment must be requested from the funding organisation in advance.

Lump sum for administrative and infrastructure expenditure (VIAP)

The VIAP amounts to ten per cent of the amount approved for a funded project and is credited by the funding provider on the basis of the eligible expenditure. In the download area you will find the information sheet on the VIAP (Download PDF, only in German).

The VIAP is paid out in full with the first call for funds. The two-month deadline does not apply here.

Yes, if funds are forwarded to project partners authorised to receive them (= universities and regional research institutions in Lower Saxony), the VIAP must also be forwarded proportionally.

No, it can only be passed on to authorised project partners.
The VIAP is intended to help universities and regional research institutions cover additional expenses incurred as a result of third-party and special-funded projects.

For future approvals from July 2024, the VIAP will be added to VIAP-eligible tenders or project funding (without a separate application). The VIAP will not be paid retroactively to projects with a funding decision issued before July 2024.

Yes, if the project is funded by zukunft.niedersachsen.

If full-cost funding is requested, then all specific project costs are included in it – e.g., apportioned via overhead surcharge rates. This consequently precludes the payment of an additional VIAP.

Full cost funding must be requested in advance from MF for approval. 

No, because they already receive institutional federal and state funding.