
Funding Offer

Research Cooperation Lower Saxony – Israel

Funding is provided for outstanding research projects in Life Sciences and Medicine carried out jointly by scientists from universities and research institutions in Lower Saxony and Israel. The program is preferably aimed at researchers a few years after their doctorate. Deadline: March 31, 2025

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Flags of different european countries in front of a blue sky

Funding Offer

Europe Program

The Europe program aims to support universities in Lower Saxony and regional research institutions financed by state funds in their efforts to further expand their Europe-related initiatives and activities in pursuit of excellence in collaborative research. Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Eine Frau mit schwarzen Locken lächelt mit einer blauen Decke über den Beinen in die Kamera


Microbiologist with a passion for diversity   

In her research, she explores the importance of diversity in microbial communities. As a mentor, Sarahi Garcia encourages early career researchers to embrace diversity in the academic world. A portrait by Dr Ulrike Schneeweiß.

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Der Schatten eines Windrades zeichnet sich auf einem gelb blühenden Rapsfeld ab


145 million euros for future-oriented research

From research into hydrogen technologies and the targeted funding of early career researchers in the field of artificial intelligence: 145 million euros have been approved for future-oriented research projects in the joint funding programme zukunft.niedersachsen supported by the government of Lower Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation.

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Portrait eines lachenden Mannes mit blauem Pullover


Developmental psychology: On the trail of everyday life

Manuel Bohn researches how children's everyday lives become the key to grasping psychological and cognitive development. To do this, he uses innovative methods, artificial intelligence, and an international perspective. A portrait by Stefanie Reinberger.

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Woman against the light writing mathematical formulae on a whiteboard

Funding Offer

Female professors for Lower Saxony

Funding offer for universities in Lower Saxony that were successful in the federal and state government's Female Professors Program 2030.

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Ein Wartungsschiff fährt durch Offshore-Windanlagen in der Nordsee


58 million euros for energy research in Lower Saxony

The transformation of our energy system towards 100 percent renewable energy needs science to become ever more efficient and ensure a reliable supply. The Energy Research Center of Lower Saxony is receiving 58.2 million euros for a new research program.

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Agrarroboter auf einem Feld


Agricultural robotics: high-tech on farmland

Computer scientist Benjamin Kisliuk teaches autonomous agricultural robots how to navigate. Equipped with a variety of sensors and devices, such systems could revolutionize agriculture.

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zwei Personen mit Laborkittel und Haarnetz in einer steril wirkenden technischen Anlage


German solar technology: working for the renaissance

Physicist Bianca Lim wants to see the production of solar modules brought back to Germany.

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Lecturer with a red jumper in front of students in a bright seminar room

Funding Offer

Lower Saxony Impulse Professorship

The program addresses academics approaching the end of the early career phase up to a maximum of ten years after completing their doctorate. Deadline: June 1, 2025 | Dec. 1, 2025

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Mädchen mit israelischer Fahne und Junge mit Niedersachsenfahne


Support for the Foundation’s grantees in Israel

The Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2023 is challenging Israel in many different respects, and the country's academic sector is also suffering the consequences. Within the funding initiative zukunft.niedersachsen, we want to help our grantees on the ground.

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View of a modern library with rows of light-coloured bookshelves

Funding Offer

Digitality of academic libraries

Funding offer for academic libraries and library networks in the state of Lower Saxony.

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