bright minds

Lower Saxony
Profile Professorship


apply anytime
area of research: all
type of funding: "profile-building professorships" at universities, usually W3; W2 professorships at universities of applied sciences
eligible: Universities in Lower Saxony
requirement: the university makes its own contribution of around 50 percent of the total funding amount

what we promote

The "Lower Saxony Profile Professorship" program aims to support universities in Lower Saxony in building and strengthening their profile. In the frame of the funding, universities receive support in appointment and retention negotiations with outstanding personalities capable of further developing and sharpening the profile and reputation of a university.

How to apply

terms and conditions
Please read the "Information for Applicants" carefully and familiarize yourself with the application conditions.
prepare your application
You can find further documents for preparing your application below.
submit application
Applications can be submitted to the MWK (Department 12) on an ongoing basis by the management of a university in Lower Saxony.
The applications are reviewed at short notice by representatives of the Academic Advisory Commission of Lower Saxony, the MWK and the Volkswagen Foundation.