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Funding Offer

New call: Climate Future Lab "Microclimate in urban areas"

This call for proposals supports the establishment and implementation of a research consortium to address the microclimate in urban areas as part of the Climate Future Labs of the Lower Saxony Centre for Climate Research (ZKfN). Deadline for application: October 30, 2024

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Agrarroboter auf einem Feld


Agricultural robotics: high-tech on farmland

Computer scientist Benjamin Kisliuk teaches autonomous agricultural robots how to navigate. Equipped with a variety of sensors and devices, such systems could revolutionize agriculture.

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zwei Personen mit Laborkittel und Haarnetz in einer steril wirkenden technischen Anlage


German solar technology: working for the renaissance

Physicist Bianca Lim wants to see the production of solar modules brought back to Germany.

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Funding Offer

Research Cooperation Lower Saxony – Israel

Funding is provided for scientifically outstanding projects conducted jointly by researchers from Israel and Lower Saxony.

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