Nächster Stichtag / Deadline: March 31, 2025 (12pm)
The Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation allocate grants for joint research projects between researchers at universities in Israel and universities or research institutions in Lower Saxony. For a list of eligible institutions in Israel please see the FAQs.
1. Objectives
The objective of this program is to promote outstanding scientific high-risk-high-gain cooperation projects. The cooperation has to be justified coherently and explained in its design.
The overall objective of the funding is the sustainability of the research project. Therefore, a goal is a joint application in another third party funding line, e.g. German-Israeli Project Cooperation (DFG), or the Horizon Europe Program (see FAQs).
The funding program addresses different disciplines (Humanities and Social Sciences; Life Sciences and Medicine; Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering Sciences) in different years. The current call for application invites proposals from the Life Sciences and Medicine.
It is possible to apply for interdisciplinary projects, involving expertise from e. g. the humanities, engineering or natural sciences. The thematic and/or methodological focus of such projects has to lie in the disciplines addressed in the given year, though. This focus has to be substantiated by the applying consortium.
2. Scope of Funding
Funding is provided for scientifically outstanding projects which follow a truly original idea and for which the additional benefit of a cooperative approach can be clearly accounted for from a scientific point of view. This requires an objective that enables the project participants from both countries to favorably combine their competencies and research experiences. The joint scientific work including e.g. research visits and/or the organization of joint events is therefore of particular importance. The set-up of new cooperations within the framework of this funding program will be given priority.
Applicants must hold a PhD (or equivalent). As the program is geared towards scientists and scholars at an early stage in their careers, preference will be given to applicants who have defended their PhD within the last seven years (from the deadline).
To increase interdisciplinary networking at least one participation at the biennial Israel-conference in Hannover is expected during the duration of the project.
All direct costs for personnel, consumables, equipment and travel necessary to conduct the project may be applied for. The maximum grant is up to 500.000 EUR for a maximum funding period of four years.
Administration and infrastructure expenditure allowance („Verwaltungs- und Infrastruktur-Ausgaben-Pauschale“ – VIAP)
The funding is linked to the payment of a 10% administration and infrastructure expenditure allowance (VIAP). This is automatically added to the total eligible expenditure. If funds are forwarded to project partners entitled to receive them, the VIAP must also be forwarded proportionally.
The VIAP is intended to cover additional expenses incurred by universities and research institutions due to the granting of third-party funded projects from zukunft.niedersachsen. The VIAP is designed to cover parts of the expenses that arise for the administration of the project at the implementing institution as well as for the provision of infrastructure.
Note: Please only enter the funds directly required for the project in the financial plan. The VIAP will be credited independently by the MWK.
Applications for funding of the own position are excluded. If funding for PhD students is applied for, positions have to be calculated according to at least 65% TV-L 13 (for positions at an institution in Lower Saxony. Please calculate according to the Ministry’s personnel rates for academic staff you find on the website). The Foundation’s personnel rates (as specified in the electronic application system) are not applicable here.); deviations have to be justified. In order to facilitate the collaboration further, it is possible to apply for joint post-doctoral positions (100% TV-L 13). In Israel, an equivalent salary applies according to local standards.
3. Application and Selection Procedure
The applications will be reviewed comparatively by a review panel. Applications that do not meet the formal criteria will not be reviewed.
A funding decision can be expected about 8-9 months after the deadline. Please note that due to the comparative review no detailed feedback on the proposals will be provided in written form.
Applications once rejected (by the Volkswagen Foundation or other funders) cannot be re-submitted, neither in revised form. Applications submitted to other funders cannot be submitted to the Volkswagen Foundation concurrently.
4. Application
Applications have to be submitted by the lead applicant in Lower Saxony online via the Volkswagen Foundation’s electronic application system
up to March 31, 2025 12:00 pm CET.
Please submit your application via the funding portal of Volkswagen Foundation.
In this call, multiple applications by one applicant are ineligible. Applicants must complete the relevant forms posted on the Application Portal, provide details on the applicants, the recipient of funds (academic institution in Lower Saxony), title, time frame, costs (one budget for the Lower Saxon applicant and one for the Israeli coapplicant), as well as a legally binding declaration.
Applications must contain the following information and documents:
Attachments (PDF-Files only):
- Cover Letter (optional)
- Proposal according to the template file
Proposal description in English; please use the template available as download on the website of the Volkswagen Foundation (max. 38.000 characters incl. spaces for the project description + references). - Short CVs
The CV should include the 10 most important publications (max. 2 page/applicant); links to ORCID, research gate, google scholar or similar profiles – if existing – are welcome. - Copy of doctoral degree award/PhD certificate (from both applicants)
- Data management plan (if applicable)
- Statement of the recipient of funds
Statement of the recipient of funds, i. e. the academic institution in Lower Saxony (please use the – German – form available as download on the website of the Volkswagen Foundation, sign it (applicant in Lower Saxony).
5. Contact
Dr. Harald Barre
E-Mail: barre@volkswagenstiftung.de
Tel.: +49 511 8381-247
Administration and application portal:
Simone Künnecke
E-Mail: kuennecke@volkswagenstiftung.de
Tel.: +49 511 8381-255
Financial plan:
Hendrik Wessels
E-Mail: hendrik.wessels@mwk.niedersachsen.de
Tel.: +49 511 120-2433
Kastanienallee 35
30519 Hannover
As of February, 2025