funding offers

Frau im Gegenlicht schreibt mathematische Formeln an ein Whiteboard
View of a modern library with rows of light-coloured bookshelves
Flags of different european countries in front of a blue sky
Woman against the light writing mathematical formulae on a whiteboard
Hand writes with chalk on a blackboard
seminar room with students and professor
Wooden chairs in a classroom
Glasses lying on a notepad, crumpled pieces of paper next to them
eine kleine begrünte Fläche, umgeben von
unfolding fern fronds
Symbol image for fluorescence electrophoresis
Green corn field from above
Lecturer with a red jumper in front of students in a bright seminar room
Vor blauem Himmel wehen die schottische und die deutsche Fahne

You did not find a matching funding offer? The MWK can be contacted by universities or research institutions with the following projects:

Research alliances: Support for interdisciplinary cooperation networks consisting of at least three institutes that wish to establish an internationally visible and fundable research focus.

New research areas: Co-financing for the start-up phase of science policy projects that are of high strategic and profile- and structure-building importance.

Contact: tabea.golgath@mwk.niedersachsen.de